Monday, November 15, 2010

Is there fluoride in my tap water?

Sample results:

Water System Details
My Water's Fluoride Home > Search results > TX 0430025
Water System Name: ALLEN
Water System ID Number: TX 0430025
Total population served by water system: 75291
Primary county and population served: Collin
Water source: Surface
Water system type: Community
Does this water system supply fluoridated water?
**See Note Below** Yes. This water system purchases its water from a water system that adjusts the fluoride concentration upward to the optimum level for the prevention of dental caries (cavities).
Optimal fluoride concentration: 0.80 mg/L
This water system is under the jurisdiction of: State of Texas
For further information, contact: Department of State Health Services
Environmental & Epidemiology Branch
1100 W 49th
Austin, TX 78756
(512) 458-7349
View operational reports for this jurisdiction
**Information on this page has been compiled from various sources. Verify information with local utility or health department before making any health based decisions.

REM The end of the world as we know it ACOUSTIC version

SAS Survival Book and iPhone app

Finding the North Star

Travel Berkey for homested water filtration

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Solar instead of generators

Do you really want to make all that noise and get it stolen or attacked? You will eventually run out of fuel if anything.

Now barring nuclear winter, a solar panel can give you electricity and do it quietly and even on the move.

Drawback is that it doesn't produce much power compared to that noisy diesel generator, but it would have to have a down side right?

Lightweight flexible solar panels for electricity on the go

My current research says these are the best.

The Bugout Guy