Monday, March 16, 2009

Food for the bugout bag

Best and lightest is the 1 or 2 serving size of Mountain House freeze dried food. It will keep for years and years.
The only disadvantage is you have to add water to it. Heated water if possible.
Buy it here:

If you want something ready to eat that might be cheaper(but heavier) then I would recommend chef boyardee spagetti with meatballs which doesn't taste half bad cold.

Maybe smoked oysters, beef jerky or small cans of tuna or chicken. Peanuts are good too.
Don't forget the can opener or the swiss army knife to open cans though.

Jetboil store for the bugout buy

This is the best stove for your bugout bag. Use it to heat water for your freeze dried food or to boil any meat or veggies you can get your hands on. It heats up water FAST and it is small(size of a cup of medium soft drink) and the fuel is also in a very small container.

you can buy it at here:

Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse: A Novel of the Turbulent Near Future

This book believe it or not, starts with a financial meltdown and progresses to the point where those who are prepared are the only only ones living any sort of life worth living.

From raping and looting biker gangs, to needy refugees, gardening, training the neighbors how to shoot a gun, and jerky guys trying to usurp the government this book really has it right.

This book is fiction but it was written by a guy who has been doing survival preparations for years and years. So the fiction is good, but the details are the real deal.

you can buy it in the bugout guy store

Best food to store at the bugout location or home

Mountain House freeze dried food in the big #10 cans keeps for 30 years and tastes good. Some of the other freeze dried food tastes pretty bad.

They sell stuff like spagetti but they also sell vegetables, and even scrambled eggs or just beef or just chicken.

It is not expensive compared to a fast food store, but if you can't afford it or want to supplement it with cheaper food, buy a huge bag of rice and an huge bag of beans.

Kroger is now selling 25 pounds of rice and 25 pounds of beans for around $15.... I wonder why?
Good timing whatever the reason. Buy some good freeze dried food and supplement it with beans and rice. Don't forget to store water and have ways to purify water though.. you need water to eat any of those...

Cast iron cookware for bugout location or home

Why cast iron cookware?

It is very heavy... but it will stand up to the abuse an outside fire made with wood and be able to distribute the heat evenly, where you thin normal cookware would not or that fancy non-stick stuff would not.

You can buy it here in the bugout guy store: