Sunday, January 31, 2010

tip of the day - ziplock bags

Put absolutely everything in zip lock bags. You will need the bags for other uses and I will garantee you that you will kick yourself if something in your bug out bag leaks or if it gets wet, and how hard would that be?

I had a bugout bag in the car with a glass bottle of water in it(since glass protects the water better than plastic) and guess what? it broke somehow and now I am redoing my bugout bag and trying to wash things that are smelling musty. What a bummer.

The Bugout Guy

Bear Grylls

This guy is fun to watch on TV. I think the best thing to get out of it is watching him find and eat different things. What is bad about watching him for survival is that he constantly takes deadly risks in a supposedly survival situation. This is simply a super bad example. Hey, it makes for interesting TV but it is not good for your survival. If he comes to a cliff, instead of walking around it, he hastily attempts some daredevils stunt that could leave you with a broken leg. Anyway, you don't take alot of risks in a survival situation since whatever your problems are at the time, taking a fall and breaking an arm or a leg are not going to put you in a better spot. Ok, if you are bleeding or freezing to death, maybe minutes matter but otherwise you should take the time to walk around an obstacle or just not take risks you don't need to take.

At least the commercials for him are honest, he doesn't teach you how to survive, he teaches you how to live. I actually think he broke his shoulder once during one of his stunts on the TV show.

The Bugout Guy