Monday, April 26, 2010

Outdoor Knots by Pro-Knot

Several credit card sized cards show how to make 17 of the best knots for use in survival situations.

The Bugout Guy

Eton Mircrolink FR160

I finally found a small radio with decent reception that doesn't have to be fed batteries.

It can be wound up or you can use the solar panel on the top of it. Great radio.

The Bugout Guy

Lifeline Ultralight Survival Kit

waterproof matches
aluminum foil
emergency blanket
fishing line
snare wire
surgical blade
wound closure strips
safety pins
map compass
emergency whistle
emergency cord
duct tape
survival guide

The Bugout Guy

Solio hybrid solar charger

This one seemed like a neat idea, but it didn't seem to give much power AT ALL to my phone and if it did it did it very slowly.

The idea was you unfold this little solar battery, let it charge and then you can charge your cell phone. Didn't work well for me.

The Bugout Guy

Escape and Evasion pouch

this should be tiny, tiny.

3 oz can Valley Fresh Chicken in water
small bag of beef jerky
140 dollars
1 Bic Lighter
1 Coleman hand saw
2 CLIF SHOT energy gel
1 small bottle of potable aqua(probably too old- need to buy new one)
1 lifeline ultralight survival kit

The Bugout Guy

Energizer cell phone charger

The energizer instant cell phone charger. So your cell phone runs out of battery power so you connect this device to it that has two AA batteries in it and it powers up your cell phone pretty quick. Recommended, and AA batteries can be found everywhere.

The Bugout Guy


I bought this and neither me nor my friend liked it. We were trying to light a fire and it was almost dark. The widget did shower sparks but it seems the sparks were going up instead of down.... and the maya dust acted well, like dust so it just scattered everywhere, especially when we bumped the wood it was on since we were scraping hard to make sparks. No, I just didn't like it at all. Gimme a Bic lighter.

The Bugout Guy

recent purchases

Coleman pocket hand saw
haven't tried it yet, it may go in my escape and evasion pouch

The Bugout Guy

Flash Drive

Tip of the day.

Get a flash drive and put all your important info on it and throw it in your bugout bag. Numbers of friends, copies of important documents, survival info, important things you can't remember etc.

The Bugout Guy

When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes

I bought this book and I am mostly done with it.

So this guy apparently is the real deal and speaks of experience when he talks about living off the grid and surviving.

He talks about no - nosense things such as what to do with your poop when the toilet doesn't flush and how to clean yourself if you have no toilet paper. He gives several options.

Overall, I think the most fun to read and practical book I have read. He isn't a gadget guy, such that all his survival techniques don't involve gadgets. He is also practical and tells you living off the land isn't a joke.

Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend this book. Get it asap.
When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes

SAS Survial Guide Review

I got 3 of these books. Super small, but still readable, it is like 3 by 3 inches and super packed with great survival info. I am putting one in each of my bugout bags.

SAS Survival Guide 2E (Collins Gem): For any climate, for any situation

Making water safe to drink

Iodine solutions or tablets- kills bacteria and bad stuff that might be in the water

Chlorine bleach- kills bactaria and bad stuff that might be in the water

Boiling- kills bad stuff that might be in the water

water filters- filters out bad stuff that might be in the water, also filters out other things. It may or may not be able to filter out bad chemicals.

Distilation- this requires lots of energy but yields the purest water. Basically you boil water and let the steam go into another container, so all the bad stuff including metals and most chemicals are gone

catching rain- this also yields drinkable water, depending on what the rain hit first before you caught it.

The Bugout Guy

How many bugout kits?

Oh boy it never ends.

So here is the current thoughts on bug out kits or bug out bags and survival items.

starting with the biggest first:
1. The homestead retreat
this is hopefully where you live or it is where you will bug out to. It should have tons of supplies.
2. Your current home (if not the homestead retreat)
this needs lots of supplies since who knows if you will have the ability to bug out when the time comes
3. Bug out bag that you will actually bug out with
4. Bug out bag for each car you drive in case you can't get home
5. An escape and evasion bag
super small and always on you. Very minimal. If you are using this, you have been attacked and dumped it to get away quick or got separated from your other bugout bags.

The Bugout Guy