Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sights for rifles

depending on batteries after a major disaster might not be a good plan. So here are some sights besides iron sights that don't require batteries:

1 power scope, can work with or without batteries. doesn't have unlimited eye relief.
The lines of the crosshairs are very hard to see, very thin. I don't like it.

1 to 3 power scope, can work with or without batteries. doesn't have unlimited eye relief. When battery is one, it lights up pretty good, easy to see quickly.

works without batteries but it has been said if you are in shade and target is in bright light it is hard or impossible to see the dot. I confirmed this, if indoors and pointing out on a sunny day, the dot is not visible. The fiber optics on top are the way it adjusts the dot brightness relative to the environment. If the fiber optics good little light, it things is it dark outside. In darkness the dot shows up well. So good for everything except a sniper like situation.

The Bugout Guy

Scanner for bug out monitoring of police, emergency etc

a review of the Uniden BCD396T, a great scanner for emergency monitoring of public safety transmissions.


list of good scanners for bug out uses here

he Bugout Guy

Scanning pubic service airwaves for SHTF info


this link will take you to a web site that will tell you what frequencies are being used in your area, you might be able to listen to them on a scanner to find out info not on the radio.

The Bugout Guy