Quit putting it off, it isn't hard
1. Get extra water for your house, car, and buy a back pack and put some water in it. Buy some chlorine bleach with no scent for the house and some chlorine tablets for sanitizing water from a backpacking store.
2. Buy some freeze dried food in #10 cans and keep them at home. Buy some 1 or 2 serving freeze dried food in pouches and throw them in your backpack. Next time you go to the store, buy extra food that will keep, always eating it but never running out and always having extra. Learn how to fish or hunt and get the proper tools. Buy something small for that and throw in your back pack.
3. Buy a tent and put it in your backpack. Heck buy a sleeping bag while you are at it. Buy extra clothes or put ugly clothes you don't wear anymore in there too.
4. Buy medical stuff.. If you take pills buy a bunch, if you wear glasses buy an extra pair. Buy the type of stuff that might need and keep it at home instead of having to run to the store for it. Buy a bit of stuff to cover most types of medical issues that could come up. Take some of that stuff and throw it in the backpack. Keep the rest at home. Buy a book on first aid.
5. Buy some propane tanks and get a gas grill that also has burners for pots and keep it on the patio. Get a stove from the backpacking store with some fuel and throw it in your backpack. Get a solar powered radio or a solar panel that charges batteries. If you have a fireplace, keep extra wood around. Buy batteries in big packs and put a few in the backpack.
6. Buy three flashlights. One for home, one for the backpack and one so you still have one if the other one breaks.
7. Buy waterproof matches and lighters. Throw some into your backpack and keep the rest at home.
8. Buy a knife. Actually, get an axe, machete, swiss army knife, 6-12 inch bowie knife, and a folding knife. Now buy some other tools that you might need. Go overboard if you want, or just buy some. Maybe a shovel, hammer, nails and for sure some duct tape. Buy extra knives so you can put one or two in your backpack. Throw some duct tape in there too.
9. Buy an extra charger or batter for your cell phone. Buy a phone for the house that doesn't require batteries.
Buy a worldband radio that picks up shortwave. Buy a small radio that is solar charged or just get extra batteries...and throw it in your bag.
10. Learn how to use a Gun or Knife and get some formal training. Throw one of those in the backpack.
Now take everything in your backpack, put it in ziplock bags, take some money out the the bank and throw it, into a ziplock bag and put it into your "bug out bag."
You are now a survivalist.. now you just have to figure where you are going to bug out to....Go to the store and buy some more stuff you haven't thought of and watch a bunch of videos on you tube while you are thinking on that, you nut job. Once you do this there is no going back, you will laugh at people who think they will always be able to just pop down to the store or ATM and get whatever they need.
If they call you a nutjob, just call them sheeple. You are a survivalist.... Mission: survive.. and later survive in style...