Bug out bags are important, but you have to look at the bug out bag as just one aspect of the whole issue.
When our complex modern society breaks down, as it did during Katrina and other times, you have to be prepared to care for yourself.
The different "kits" you need are:
Your personal bugout bag.
Your significant others bug out bags.
My wife's bug out bag will meet her specific needs and also carry items specifically for our child.
You may be away from home when the time to bug out happens. They should not have to wait for you to come back to bug out. My plan is to bug out with both cars.. that way if my car dies or if I die, they need not want for their supplies. If my car dies, I can throw my bug out bag in her car or vice versa. I can let her go ahead of me and I can "observe and deal with issues" that might occur. I might also get stuck in a ditch or have a flat.
A car bug out bag for each car you have.
Keeping stuff in car can ruin things over time. You need a bug out bag stored in a safe environment as well as a bug out bag stored in the car. You also may be far away from home when the time to bug out happens.
A home store of survival goods
if you don't bug out or if you have to return to home after an unsuccessful bugout.
A bug out location of survival goods
You may make it there with only the clothes on your back.
A cache of supplies.
Also recommended is a supply of survival good buried at some location. If your house burns down, your bugout is unsuccessful and you return to your home with the clothes on your back you need YET ANOTHER back up plan.
The huge, huge deal about a situation that requires bugging out is redundancy. It really sucks, since your wallet hurts even to think about it, but you need supplies for each person, for every situation and every place you might end up.
The Bugout Guy